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[FREE WORKSHOP] Make your own T-shirt on weekend.

Hello! Since my last Tote bag workshop it’s been a while, I was working on my Japanese style linen dress course this mean time, and we are moving to a beautiful apartment I am dreaming about, so it’s been really busy for me. But I love to teach and hang out with guys, so I love to make one more workshop of making your own T-shirt on the weekend, and I love to invite you to join with me online.

Time: Monday, June 3rd, 3PM CST | 2PM EST | 12 PST

Location: Online 

Limited space for 250 people, for a better quality workshop, so I can help you more.

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1. What tools you need to start.

2. Make your own T-shirt without hassle.

3. How to cut the fabric in the right way.

4. How to finish a beautiful T-shirt you love.

5. And Much more…. secret bonus.

Sign up here Now

Sign up for Free T-shirt online workshop

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8 Books to help you be more creative

Here's  some book help me been through my graphic block, when I can't think about anything, I would just stop for a while , because keep pushing yourself is not really helping you sometime. Maybe those book would help you out too, just give a try!

1.Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

By Austin Kleon           $ 6.46

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 10.56.29 AM

It's really easy to read, you can finish this book less an hour, but all the thought you might need to think about it more than days or months.

2.Wreck This Journal (Duct Tape) Expanded Ed

By Keri Smith    $ 8.92

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 10.57.25 AM

Okay you might think this for like a kid book, but I'm really got to say lot of kid books are much more creative and fun than adult book, lot of work need to do on this one, you would figure something new!

3. Way of seeing

By John Berger      $ 11.99

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 11.52.35 AM

Classic one, I read this one in Taiwan, what you see is not what you think is!

4.  642 Things to Draw: Journal

By  Marion Deuchars   $ 9.57

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 11.30.32 AM

Don't know what to draw, why don't you start to follow some idea on this book, then find your own. Think about it's a practice!

5.Let's Make Some Great Art

Marion Deuchars   $15.01

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 11.53.52 AM

Some cool idea and homework can help you be like a great artist! (maybe start for a good one:)

6. Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills

By David Sherwin     $16.68

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 11.51.27 AM

It's adventure book! some need to team work, save you lot of money to join some class, start at your home first!

7.Things Come Apart: A Teardown Manual for Modern Living

Todd McLellan   $20.28

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 11.46.25 AM

I was a fashion designer before, I find out I have a problem is when I shopping some clothe, I would picture this clothes before they made by piece by piece automatically, somehow I get some inspiration by that way, so might work on you 2.


8.100 Ideas that Changed Graphic Design

Steven Heller   $17.37

螢幕快照 2014-06-28 11.49.13 AM

It might change the way you design, because we always changing our mind!

PS: This is not a book so I didn't put on the list, check on Pinterest and your notebook to find more creative people and ideas!

Free feel to leave us any comment of suggestion or ideas here, thanks!

# I like to share the thing I used before and think is good for someone who needs. Those link is an affiliate, means I'll get a little pay by referrals if you buy it , but if you prefer to get it from somewhere else it's totally fine too.  Thanks!